Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Walk to Rivendell - Bonus Post from Bree!!!


The first milestone I set for myself when I began this walk was Bree. At 135 miles, I figured that if I got even THAT far I would have achieved something.

Today I crossed the bridge and entered the town. I had elaborate plans to photograph our castle etc...etc...etc.... for this milestone but the egregious weather has put paid to those. Not one to be outdone by a few giant snow flakes, I have used photographs of the a local manor house and its grounds . So, here ladies and gentlemen and friends: the 19th century Randvere Mõis standing in for the entrance and bridge to Bree.

Now, onward to the Top of Weathertop at 240 miles. Although where I'm going to find a hill on Saaremaa is a question I'll deal with when I get there.


Rachel Green said...

Well done Martha!

sonia said...

Hoorah! 135 miles!!! Bravo

martha said...

'Thank you Thank you'
(Removes hat with long ostrich feather; bows low, very low, no lower even than that.)
'I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends,' she says modestly.

spacedlaw said...

You could always walk up and down some stairs. Or come back to Rome.

martha said...

My knees wont tolerate too many stairs.

I like the 'come back to Rome' idea better. Maybe if I plan carefully and work goes even a little well, I can take a trip next March. Forewarned is fore-booked after all.

Unknown said...

Well done you! That is stellar, and I am so impressed.

The bridge photo is my favourite this time, I think. :)

martha said...

Thank you Stephanie,
I'm very fond of that bridge. It's really old, from the Medieval period. We recently got EU funds to restore it, which is why it looks so spruce.

Adam said...

Thanks for popping over to my site and leaving your comments. I wasn't aware that there were rooftop playgrounds in London in Victorian times.

You have a very interesting blog here!

martha said...

Hi Adam
Thank you for having a look. I enjoy your blog very much as well. It's the kind of blog I want to be creating - not just pictures but useful or interesting information. I love Paris, so love reading the back stories of that fascinating city.

Maria Verivaki said...

the photo of the river with that quaint old bridge is simply marvellous
our rivers in crete are mostly dry, our bridges purely functional. you have beautiful scenery that we oculd not even imagine!

martha said...

Ah Kiwi,
Thank you so much for thinking my island beautiful - and it is - sometimes. BUT, you have white hatted mountains and azure seas. The land just now is almost carpeted with wild flowers and fruit trees are in blossom. Your post set off such an extraordinary chain of memories. Do you still go to Vrises to sit by the river and eat yogurt?