Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weather report

I had intended to post more of my Roman experiences today but it seems the weather gods decided to conspire against me. I had just finished my morning tidying up and other assorted errands and had settled at my desk with a nice cup of strong coffee, when POOF!! - the power went out; and stayed out for over two hours.

It's been blowing like crazy since yesterday. The news said tonight that it's been 25 - 30 m/s all day. The ferries to the mainland are suspended as would are the flights to our local airport, Roomasaare which is reporting some of the strongest winds in Estonia.

Roofs have blown off and windows out from some older apartment buildings in Tallinn. This is not as surprising as it might seem as some of the soviet era buildings were so badly constructed that there's more sand than concrete in the walls. Still I feel sorry for the people affected.

I tried to find a picture of some of the damage, but Delfi , unlike the BBC is not great with pictures; so I found this of a swollen river in South East Estonia which is a part of the country almost as nice as Saaremaa.


spacedlaw said...

That is a nice picture, hard to tell there is something wrong going on.

martha said...

There isn't in that picture. I just couldn't find one that showed what was happening. Today's paper has a photo of a local auto repair yard with a blown tree that totaled 2 Audi's and a Toyota. I'm thinking of scanning that and editing it in. I'll see how I feel after supper.

Aeneas said...

Ah, I found you! I'm such a klutz! Sometimes it's easier to move rocks than me.

Anyway, reading accounts of Rome. :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely photograph. :) Hope things are settling somewhat there though...