Day 2 - Justifications
Way back in the foggy mists of last spring, when the ideas for this trip began to coalesce into a reality, the defining principle, the raison d’être was to look at and get a feel for the Roman locations in the new book I had started work on – ‘Kore Baby!’
Now N., despite her Sagittarian patrimony, is a stickler for meeting the terms of an agreement. Therefore the next two days were devoted to ‘work’.We had agreed to meet in the bus plaza in from of the main train station. From there we went above ground to the Piazza Buenos Aries for a look at the Liberty Style buildings of the Coppedé Quartiere, as I had got it into my head that the villa of one of the main characters was situated in this area.
But first a visit to the Chiesa Santa Immacolato which had an antique and Byzantine feel but which had only been constructed in the early 20th century. Next we walked through the Porta Buenos Aries into an early 20th century fantasy world – villas weighted down with decoration of every conceivable genre, frequently repeated in succeeding buildings, as the same artist was responsible for their creation - architect Gino Coppedé.
After that maelstrom of images we retreated to the relative serenity of the Villa Borghese. So engrossed in our conversations were we, that by the time we emerged at the top of the Spanish Steps it was after 2:00 o’clock – almost restaurant mid-day closing time in Rome. N. quic
kly led us up a shady street where we were soon seated at an outside table. I ordered spaghetti carbonara, while N. who knew better had agnolotto stuffed with truffles in a cream sauce. She took pity on me and offered a taste – pure heaven. More talk - much more talk, over a very interesting bottle of 2006 Shiraz from the Lazio region
. The wine was a little rough at first but with time mellowed into something quite drinkable, so we finished it all.
After the wine, all the mornings walking, discussing and the wonderful Mediterranean heat I was finished, so it was home for siesta.
As before photos courtesy of spacedlaw
I hope this means you are feeling better.
Hi, Yes health and attitude improving - in opposite arc to the weather. We have a 9 force gale blowing outside my window. Si I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and work.
How are you?
Fine. Bit sad.
There isn't much I can do right now. Of course that is part of the problem but I've been there before.
Glad to see another installment... both for the installment and the double meaning (that you are feeling better). *hugs*
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